What is Scrum? Check out 10 free scrum tools


Scrum tools


Scrum is a methodology derived from the agile manifesto, a movement to modernize the software development process.

For this reason, Scrum was originally created for the management and planning of software development projects.

It is a simple and practical standardized process structure, with a series of agents and activities of its own (a framework), used to manage complex projects.

Based on empiricism – a body of knowledge acquired through experience and practice – the  Agile Scrum Methodology recognizes experience as a safe guide.

That is, decisions start from what has already been done before and ideas come through observations and experiments.

Everything that is created is tested with the help of an end user.

Only after you make sure that this functionality or innovation really caters to the needs of your customers, does it follow on to the next step.

Little by little, these incremental achievements increase and become the ideal solution that your client wants, creating a perfect product.

Currently Scrum is no longer restricted solely to the management of software projects.

Its methodology is so assertive that it has been used in many areas and in all types of companies.

Product development in general is one of the fields that most benefits from the use of Scrum tools.

 The 3 pillars of the Scrum methodology 

Scrum is supported by 3 pillars:

1. Transparency

All documents and other data important to the success of a project must be visible to all those who are part of it.

2. Inspection

From time to time, it is necessary to do an inspection to verify that the process is correct,  meeting quality standards and on the right path.

With Scrum, normally, inspections take place in the Daily Scrum meeting.

At these meetings the people involved in the project share information and discuss issues such as:

  • What is being done;
  • What you want to do;
  • Identifying impediments;
  • Setting priorities according to what was discussed and agreed upon by the team.

3. Adaptation

This occurs after the inspection is done.

Immediately actions are created and implemented in the process to improve it.

Any problem should be adjusted as quickly as possible so that there are no glitches and the needs of the end customer are met.

One way to put this into practice quite effectively is through Scrum tools.

Tools for Scrum: How to manage your projects?

Hanging post-its on a mural is not nothing, is it?

Initially, this was how managed projects Scrum, and in some places, many people still like it.

However, important information can be lost at any time by being exposed to this fragile way.

Project management is a task that requires planning.

And since we are living the digital transformation, the virtual version of Scrum methodology  it becomes much easier and more practical to organize tasks and work as a team more efficiently.

To help professionals, many Scrum tools, free or paid, are available in the market.

10 free Scrum tools

The tools for Scrum are made to optimize the processes and the management of teams and projects, bringing more speed, dynamism and productivity.

All sites searched for free versions and paid plans.

Obviously, the free versions have limitations, but they’re great choices for teams that are just starting out and for companies that want to test which Scrum project management tools they want to use on a day-to-day basis.

 1. Trello 

 In its free version, Trello offers: 

  • Unlimited frames, lists, cards, members, checklists and attachments;
  • One power-up per frame (integrations with other tools);
  • Attach files up to 10MB from your computer or link to any Google Drive, Dropbox, Box or OneDrive file.

 2.  Ice Scrum 

 In its free version, Ice Scrum offers: 

  • 1 team;
  • 1 public project (stakeholders);
  • 3 apps;
  • 100MB of storage.

 3. Scrumhalf 

 In its free version, Scrumhalf offers: 

  • 1 project
  • 2 Users
  • Drag-and-drop Kanban board;
  • Dropbox integration;
  • Reports.

 4. Pango Scrum 

 The “Pango Scrum Beta” version is free and offers: 

  • Product Backlog Management;
  • Sprint planning;
  • Monitor progress
  • Scheduling events.

5. Taiga 

 In its free version, Taiga offers: 

  • Up to 3 members in a private project;
  • 1 private project;
  • Unlimited public projects;
  • Up to 300MB of storage on private projects.

6. Mingle 

 In its free version, Mingle offers: 

  • 5 free users;
  • Chat
  • Integration with source code;
  • Progress reports, forecast charts and cycle time analysis, etc.

7. MeisterTask 

 The basic plan is free and includes: 

  • Unlimited projects and tasks;
  • Projects with unlimited memberships;
  • Customizable dashboards and panels;
  • 2 integrations with your favorite apps;
  • 20MB limit for attached files;
  • Mobile applications

8. Asana 

 In its free version, Asana offers: 

  • Tasks, conversations and unlimited projects;
  • Up to 15 team members;
  • Basic panels;
  • Basic search.

9. Wrike 

 In its free version, Wrike offers: 

  • 5 free users;
  • File Sharing
  • Task management
  • Real-time updates;
  • Integrations (Google Drive, Dropbox, Box, Microsoft Office 365, OneDrive and iCal);
  • Applications for Android and IPhone;
  • 2GB of storage.

10. YouTrack

In its free version for open projects, YouTrack offers:

  • Up to 10 free users;
  • 5GB storage;
  • Bug tracking and issue;
  • Generation of reports (Burndown charts, QA, issue distribution reports, schedule reports, etc.).

There are other ways to manage your business and portfolio and projects.

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