8 types of performance evaluation to use in business

When trying to promote the continuous improvement of your employees, it is critical that you do performance reviews.
By doing this, it is possible to map the current situation of your company in relation to employee performance. The goal is to find out where it is possible to improve and thus boost individual and collective outcomes.
This type of practice can also increase employee engagement in your company, because your employees perceive that their performance is evaluated and that their effort is recognized.
Now, check out what types of performance evaluation you can use in your business.
8 types of performance evaluation
1 – Self-assessment
Self-assessment is one of the main types of performance evaluation.
It is performed in two stages. First, the employee responds to a questionnaire with the purpose of reflecting on their own performance, identifying their strengths and weaknesses; then, their manager discusses with them about what can be done to improve their performance.
Through self-assessment, the evaluated professional can do an in-depth analysis about their behavior and the results they have achieved. When the individual recognizes the areas they can improve on, it becomes easier to encourage continued growth.
2 – Team assessment
Evaluating individual professionals is important because everyone has their own peculiarities that define their potential. However, it is essential that you do an evaluation of the whole team as well, since the sum of all efforts is one of the main driving forces behind excellent results.
When evaluating group performance, you can make adjustments to align team members, improve workflow, improve employee relationships and communication, and thereby maximize the achievement of goals.
3 – Graphic rating scale
Of all the employee performance evaluation examples , this may be the simplest and most traditional.
In the graphic rating scale method, you create a columned table organized as follows:
- In the first column, place the variables that will be evaluated. For example: punctuality, assiduity, teamwork, creativity, etc.
- In the next columns, place the values of each variable. For example: terrible, bad, regular, good or great. You can also assign scores from 0 to 5.
The main advantage of the graphic rating scale is that it is very easy to do. However, it is limited and does not allow for further evaluation.
For this reason, the graphic rating scale is generally used in conjunction with other methods, such as 360 degree rating.
4 – 360 degree rating
360 degree rating is considered one of the most complete performance review examples. This is because everyone involved in an employee’s work routine is invited to participate in the process.
Leaders, team members and even customers and suppliers participate in the evaluation. At the end of the process, a comparison is made between the considerations of the evaluators and the ‘evaluated’, generating valuable feedback.
5 – Forced Choice
In a form, a list is made up of several strategic statements that can define the behavior of the contributor. For example:
- usually delays deliveries;
- does not get along with co-workers;
- fulfills their duties well;
- is a proactive professional.
Then, in front of each statement, the evaluator needs to put a “+” sign (matches the collaborator) or “-” (doesn’t match the collaborator).
To avoid errors of interpretation and to obtain reliable data, the statements need to be clearly written.
6 – Skill Evaluation
Competency assessment goes beyond performance. Within it there are three basic factors: KSA.
- K – Knowledge: cognitive skills, “knowing something”.
- S – Skills: psychomotor domain, physical skills, “know-how”.
- A – Attitude: motivating factor, “wanting to do”.
In this method of evaluation, the questionnaire should take into account the technical and behavioral skills of the collaborator.
At first, the employee responds to this questionnaire in a sort of self-assessment, pointing out what competencies he/she already has, which are in development and which ones still need to be developed. Then, the leader expounds his / her point of view on the collaborator’s answers, and together they draw up a plan of action to improve what is needed.
7 – Goals and Results
This method of performance evaluation has a quantitative approach. The results achieved by the employee in a given period are considered.
The objective is to identify if the employee being evaluated met the expectations of the company. Because this is based on numbers, this assessment is more secure and assertive.
Examples of factors to be evaluated:
- Absenteeism
- Sales conversions
- Customer satisfaction
- Customer retention
Evaluation by goals and results can also be applied to the team as a whole in order to find out who are the most and least productive employees.
8 – Leader Assessment
The last item on our list of performance review examples is often overlooked by some companies. Like employees, leaders must also be evaluated.
Leaders are responsible for directing their teams towards success. When they perform poorly, generally, this is reflected in their employees as well.
Therefore, leaders also need to undergo evaluations and receive feedback on their performance. In this case, evaluations are based on their employees as well as their superiors, providing an overview of their performance.
Thus, leaders can better understand if they and their teams are on track and what aspects can be improved.
So what types of performance evaluations are best suited for your business model?
You can use internal evaluation questionnaires by means of automated search platforms , with much more efficiency and also be able to analyze the results in real time.
In fact, you can also do an opposite evaluation and ask your employees to evaluate the company, through a questionnaire specifically created for this, such as NPS, widely used in marketing , but which can also measure employee satisfaction.
This article was written by MindMiners , a technology company specializing in digital research. With an exclusive platform to carry out fully automated market research projects, they are transforming market research in Brazil.
And to track the results of its evaluations periodically, Siteware has developed STRATWs One, a Corporate Performance Management software that has a specific Individual Performance Management module.
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